
first saturday

Hello I'm Enrin. I forgot my password to log in. So I used my friend 's password.

Today is sixth day for EAP. I felt it's very fast. Saturday's plan was visited St.jacob's Market.
St.jacob's market is very popular .The spece is bigest, but it's crowded.Not just canadian go to the market. asian aslo go to the market. In the market, you can get alot of foods.
For example, Fruit, meat, vegetable ,confectionry and souvenir made from canada etc....
I and my friends bought many products. The prices are different bettwen Japan and Canada. The prices of Canadian products are lower than Japanese products. So I got many cherries for the diner.
Tomorro, we will visit the Toronto. So I'm looking forward to go to Toronto.

1 件のコメント:

Herbert Donovan さんのコメント...

Dear Students,

I am glad you had fun at St. Jacobs. I hoped it gave you some ideas for how to make a successful export business in Canada. Can you put a photo or video of your trip up on your blog? It is easy to do. Be sure to make a nice caption in English to describe what is happening in the photo.

Have fun!

Herbert Donovan