
Last 1 week!

I'm Ken. Today, we had the class of business plan. We argued to improve our business plan. The deadline is so hard for us that it made us upset. However, our group will achieve, I believe. After the class, we went to the Kyle's house in Kitchner. We ate the BBQ and we were very excited. Next, Kyle and Lian played their songs. We were very impressed! The way to the Renison is terrible because of the heavy rain. However, today was good day.

1 件のコメント:

Herbert Donovan さんのコメント...

Hi Ken, Kaz, Enrin, Kyoko, and 三留暢亮,

I am glad to hear that you are working hard on your project. This is a good challenge for you. I can't wait to see your final presentation. Please be sure to take some photos and video, and put them on the blog or show me when you return to Tokyo.

See you soon!

Herbert Donovan